《爱的密码》, 展览设计
The Code of Love,
Exhibition Design
DATE 日期:
August, 2019
The Code of Love exhibition is our second collaborative design project with the China Ethnic Museum. The special exhibition is a continuation of the exhibition Classical Love and it was also held on the Chinese holiday Qixi in 2019.
This large-scale exhibition also incorporated the Chinese Ethnic Museum’s research on ethnic culture, specifically the culture of love. We searched for themes of love in different forms of symbols, motifs, and patterns found in the traditional clothing and jewelry of China’s many ethnicities.
Given the task of spatial design for the exhibition Acts and Pathway’s looked to motifs and patterns found in traditional clothing for inspiration to extend the scope of visual elements in the exhibition.
We then amplified and accentuated different symbolic icons according to the themes of the different units in the exhibition, leaving different visual clues of love for the audience to discover.
In terms of spatial design, Acts and Pathway’s continues to explore ways to break away from the stereotypes that characterize museum displays by applying a formal language that is full of vitality and focuses more on creating experiences that allow the rich, tangible and intangible cultural heritage to tell its story.