《漫步安仁》, 展览设计
Strolling in Anren,
Exhibition Design
DATE 日期:
November, 2017
Anren, an ancient town on the outskirts of Chengdu, Sichuan, is famous for its well-preserved Chinese-style courtyards and private houses from the Republican era of China. The town also carries with it the story of China’s transformative years during the first half of the 20th century. The active founding partners of Acts and Pathway’s led a team of designers to Anren several times to prepare for the exhibition design.
The inspiration for the design derived from on-site research is dramatically revealed in the sequential halls of the exhibition. The designers developed interactive installations by incorporating iconic elements from the Republican era, like phonographs, kaleidoscopes, as well as furniture which fuses Chinese and Western styles together. When we re-implanted these installations into the centuries-old building, the story of Anren’s past began to unfold layer after layer in front of the audience.
安仁,是四川成都郊区的一座古镇,因其完好保留了具有民国时期风格的中式院落和私人公馆而闻名,小镇也蕴藏着二十世纪上半叶中国风云变幻的历史故事。活络的创始合伙人带领团队多次探访安仁,为展览设计做前期准备。 在地研究带来的灵感最终都以戏剧化的方式在一个个展厅中娓娓道来。设计师们选取了民国时期的标志性元素,诸如留声机、万花筒、中西合壁的家具等,将其发展成带有互动功能的装置作品。当我们把这些装置再次植入到百年老屋之后,一段段安仁往事层层展开,向观众娓娓道来。